
Showing posts from July, 2020

Benefits of Weighbridges for Various Industries

Weighbridges are large weighing scales which are used for weighing heavy items most commonly loaded on trucks etc. These scales are integrated with an electronic monitor which displays the readings. These fully electronic weighbridges are used in industries trading in mining, electrical equipments, agriculture, iron and steel industries etc. There are two types of weighbridges- above ground and in-ground weighbridges. In-ground weighbridges are further categorized into semi-pit weighbridges which have side walls and have a level weighing surface and second category is the fully in-ground weighbridge where the weighing surface is at level with the surrounding area. These weighbridges come in various configurations depending on the requirement of the industry. Industries use weighbridges to determine the weight of the raw material being transported. The empty truck is weighed initially and then the loaded truck carrying the raw material. The difference is calculated post which indust